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Using Slack hooks

It is possible to use Slack to send notifications to your Slack channel whenever an apply is being done.


Currently only apply events are supported.

For this you'll need to:

  • Create a Bot user in Slack
  • Configure Atlantis to send notifications to Slack.

Configuring Slack for Atlantis

  • Go to Slack: Apps
  • Click the Create New App button
  • Select From scratch in the dialog that opens
  • Give it a name, e.g. atlantis-bot.
  • Select your Slack workspace
  • Click Create App
  • On the left go to oAuth & Permissions
  • Scroll down to Scopes | Bot Token Scopes and add the following OAuth scopes:
    • channels:read
    • chat:write
    • groups:read
    • incoming-webhook
    • mpim:read
  • Install the app onto your Slack workspace
  • Copy the Bot User OAuth Token and provide it to Atlantis by using --slack-token=xoxb-xxxxxxxxxxx or via the environment ATLANTIS_SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb-xxxxxxxxxxx.
  • Create a channel in your Slack workspace (e.g. my-channel) or use existing
  • Add the app to Created channel or existing channel ( click channel name then tab integrations, there Click "Add apps"

Configuring Atlantis

After following the above steps it is time to configure Atlantis. Assuming you have already provided the slack-token (via parameter or environment variable) you can now instruct Atlantis to send apply events to Slack.

In your Atlantis configuration you can now add the following:

- event: apply
  workspace-regex: .*
  branch-regex: .*
  kind: slack
  channel: my-channel-id

If you are deploying Atlantis as a Helm chart, this can be implemented via the config parameter available for chart customizations:

## Use Server Side Config,
## ref:
config: |
     - event: apply
       workspace-regex: .*
       branch-regex: .*
       kind: slack
       channel: my-channel-id

The apply event information will be sent to the my-channel-id Slack channel.