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Terraform Cloud/Enterprise ​


Terraform Enterprise was recently renamed Terraform Cloud and Private Terraform Enterprise was renamed Terraform Enterprise.

Atlantis integrates seamlessly with Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise, whether you're using:

Read the docs below 👇 depending on your use-case.

Using Atlantis With Free Remote State Storage ​

To use Atlantis with Free Remote State Storage, you need to:

  1. Migrate your state to Terraform Cloud. See Migrating State from Local Terraform
  2. Update any projects that are referencing the state you migrated to use the new location
  3. Generate a Terraform Cloud/Enterprise Token
  4. Pass the token to Atlantis

That's it! Atlantis will run as normal and your state will be stored in Terraform Cloud.

Using Atlantis With Terraform Cloud Remote Operations or Terraform Enterprise ​

Atlantis integrates with the full version of Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise via the remote backend.

Atlantis will run terraform commands as usual, however those commands will actually be executed remotely in Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise.

Why? ​

Using Atlantis with Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise gives you access to features like:

  • Real-time streaming output
  • Ability to cancel in-progress commands
  • Secret variables
  • Sentinel

Without having to change your pull request workflow.

Getting Started ​

To use Atlantis with Terraform Cloud Remote Operations or Terraform Enterprise, you need to:

  1. Migrate your state to Terraform Cloud/Enterprise. See Migrating State from Local Terraform
  2. Update any projects that are referencing the state you migrated to use the new location
  3. Generate a Terraform Cloud/Enterprise Token
  4. Pass the token to Atlantis

Generating a Terraform Cloud/Enterprise Token ​

Atlantis needs a Terraform Cloud/Enterprise Token that it will use to access the API. Using a Team Token is recommended, however you can also use a User Token.

Team Token ​

To generate a team token, click on Settings in the top bar, then Teams in the sidebar. Choose an existing team or create a new one. Enable the Manage Workspaces permission, then scroll down to Team API Token.

User Token ​

To generate a user token, click on your avatar, then User Settings, then Tokens in the sidebar. Ensure the Manage Workspaces permission is enabled for this user's team.

Passing The Token To Atlantis ​

The token can be passed to Atlantis via the ATLANTIS_TFE_TOKEN environment variable.

You can also use the --tfe-token flag, however your token would then be easily viewable in the process list.

If you're hosting your own Terraform Enterprise installation, set the --tfe-hostname flag to its hostname.

That's it! Atlantis should be able to perform Terraform operations using Terraform Cloud/Enterprise's remote state backend now.


If you're using local execution mode for your workspaces, remember to set the --tfe-local-execution-mode. Otherwise you won't see the logs in Atlantis.


The Terraform Cloud/Enterprise integration only works with the built-in plan and apply steps. It does not work with custom run steps that replace plan or apply.


Under the hood, Atlantis is generating a ~/.terraformrc file. If you already had a ~/.terraformrc file where Atlantis is running, then you'll need to manually add the credentials block to that file:

credentials "" {
  token = "xxxx"

instead of using the ATLANTIS_TFE_TOKEN environment variable, since Atlantis won't overwrite your .terraformrc file.

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