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I'm Joining HashiCorp


This post was originally written on October 23th, 2018

Original post:

Dear Atlantis Community,

My name is Luke and I'm the maintainer of Atlantis, an open source tool for Terraform collaboration. Today I'm excited to announce that I'm joining HashiCorp!

What Does This Mean For Atlantis?

In the near term, nothing will change for Atlantis and its users. As a HashiCorp employee I will continue to maintain Atlantis, review pull requests, triage issues, and write code.

In the long term, HashiCorp and I want to address collaboration workflows for all users of Terraform. We are still working out the details of how Atlantis will fit into the longer term plan, but whatever direction we take, we're committed to keeping Atlantis free and open source.

HashiCorp and Atlantis

Why does HashiCorp want to support Atlantis?

Today HashiCorp announced their commitment to provide collaboration solutions to the whole Terraform community. They see the Atlantis project as one manifestation of this vision and understand its importance to many in the Terraform community. They believe that by working together, we can create a solution that will scale from a single user to hundreds of collaborators in a large organization.

Why am I joining?

Those of you who know me, may wonder why I made this decision. It came down to wanting to continue working on Atlantis–and the larger story of Terraform collaboration–and finding a way to support myself.

In January, 9 months ago, I quit my job at Hootsuite to work full time on Atlantis (Atlantis was originally created at Hootsuite by my friend Anubhav Mishra). I left because I knew that the Terraform community was in need of a solution for collaboration and that with full time development, Atlantis could be that solution.

During the last 9 months, Atlantis matured into a fully fledged collaboration solution and gained many new users. It has been an amazing time, but I've been working for free! I've always known that for Atlantis to be successful in the long term, I would need to find a way to support myself.

A couple of weeks ago, as I was playing around with Atlantis monetization strategies, HashiCorp contacted me. I learned that they shared a vision of building Terraform collaboration solutions for the broader community and that they were interested in combining forces. They also assured me that they wanted to do right by the Atlantis community.

This was a compelling offer versus solo-founding a company around Atlantis: I would be able to focus on coding and product instead of business and sales and I could spend all of my time on Atlantis and the larger story of Terraform collaboration. As a result, I came to the conclusion that joining HashiCorp was the right decision for me and the community.


Atlantis has been a passion of mine for almost two years now. I deeply care about the future of the project and its community and I know that this move will ensure that that future is bright.

There are probably some questions I haven't answered in this post so please don't hesitate to reach out, either via Twitter or on the Atlantis Slack.

I'm excited for the future of Atlantis and Terraform collaboration and I hope you are too.

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