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Atlantis works with most Git hosts and Terraform setups. Read on to confirm it works with yours.

Git Host

Atlantis integrates with the following Git hosts:

  • GitHub (public, private or enterprise)
  • GitLab (public, private or enterprise)
  • Gitea (public, private and compatible forks like Forgejo)
  • Bitbucket Cloud aka (public or private)
  • Bitbucket Server aka Stash
  • Azure DevOps

Terraform State

Atlantis supports all backend types except for local state. We don't support local state because Atlantis does not have permanent storage and it doesn't commit the new statefile back to version control.


If you're looking for an easy remote state solution, check out free remote state storage from Terraform Cloud. This is fully supported by Atlantis.

Repository Structure

Atlantis supports any Terraform repository structure, for example:

Single Terraform Project At Repo Root

└── ...

Multiple Project Folders

├── project1
│   ├──
|   └── ...
└── project2
    └── ...


├── project1
│   ├──
|   └── ...
└── modules
    └── module1
        └── ...

With modules, if you want project1 automatically planned when module1 is modified you need to create an atlantis.yaml file. See atlantis.yaml Use Cases for more details.

Terraform Workspaces

See Terraform's docs if you are unfamiliar with workspaces.

If you're using Terraform >= 0.9.0, Atlantis supports workspaces through an atlantis.yaml file that tells Atlantis the names of your workspaces (see atlantis.yaml Use Cases for more details)

.tfvars Files

├── production.tfvars
│── staging.tfvars

For Atlantis to be able to plan automatically with .tfvars files, you need to create an atlantis.yaml file to tell it to use -var-file={YOUR_FILE}. See atlantis.yaml Use Cases for more details.

Multiple Repos

Atlantis supports multiple repos as well–as long as there is a webhook configured for each repo.

Terraform Versions

Atlantis supports all Terraform versions (including 0.12) and can be configured to use different versions for different repositories/projects. See Terraform Versions.

Next Steps

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